Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is a geographic area with its points being at Miami, Florida, the island of Bermuda, and San Juan Puerto Rico.  In this area, over the course of time, many different aircraft and boats have mysteriously disappeared without a trace, leading many to believe that the triangle has something unusual about it that is swallowing up people, planes, and boats. 

You won't find it on any official map and you won't know when you cross the line, but according to some people, the Bermuda Triangle is a very real place where dozen of ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation. Since a magazine first coined the phrase "Bermuda Triangle" in 1964, the mystery has continued to attract attention. When you dig deeper into most cases, though, they're much less mysterious. Either they were never in the area to begin with, they were actually found, or there's a reasonable explanation for their disappearance.  

Many think of the Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, as an "imaginary" area. The U. S. Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle and does not maintain an official file on it. However, within this imaginary area, many real vessels and the people aboard them have seemingly disappeared without explanation.

The Bermuda Triangle is located off the South-eastern coast of the United States in the Atlantic Ocean, with its apexes in the vicinities of Bermuda, Miami, Florida, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. It covers roughly 500,000 square miles. 

The area may have been named after its Bermuda apex since Bermuda was once known as the "Isle of Devils." Treacherous reefs that have ensnared ships sailing too close to its shores surround Bermuda, and there are hundreds of shipwrecks in the waters that surround it. 

Possible Reasons for the Disappearances


The Lost City of Atlantis has long been considered a myth by most westerners who have heard of it, but some believe that Atlantis used to exist where the Bermuda Triangle is currently located, and that some left over technology deep beneath the sea is interfering with the planes and boats and causing them to crash or sink.  Some believe that the Bimini Road, which was discovered in 1968 underwater off the coast of Bimini in the Bahamas, is actually a road leading from the Bahamas to the former Atlantis, which is now resting under the sea.

A Wormhole

Some believe that the strange disappearances point to odd physical properties somewhere within the Bermuda Triangle itself, suggesting that perhaps, somewhere, there is an element not currently understood by man that causes certain laws of physics to change within the triangle.  It could, possibly, be a theoretical wormhole that transports those that pass through it to a different time and place in the universe. 

Natural Reasons

Some have stated that because of the particularly rough weather going through the Bermuda Triangle, that it's possible that quick storms were whipped up that knocked planes out of the sky or sank ships without warning.  Perhaps because of the quick nature of these events, the crashes and sinking's took place quickly, disappearing underneath the service before a rescue party could be scrambled.  Some claim that it's simply human error, and at least one author has suggested that the amount of disappearances in a highly-traveled-through area such as the Bermuda triangle was not any more than the norm, and that the Bermuda Triangle theorists are simply alarmists, and that most of the Bermuda Triangle facts that have been released to the public have been sensationalized to sell papers or magazines.  Others suggest that the lack of explanation has led other, less malevolent authors, to seek out evidence rather that forming a theory based on the evidence as a whole.  You can always find evidence to support your conclusion if you're looking for evidence to support the conclusion in the first place, rather than developing a conclusion based off the evidence. 

Future World Population Clock

Food Clock

World Clock

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Extrasensory Perception

What Is Extrasensory Perception?

Extra Sensory Perception, the ability to pick up thoughts, impressions, hunches and energy patterns, brings awareness of more than the eyes can see, the ears can hear, the nose can smell, fingers can feel or the tongue can taste. In some circles it is referred to as the sixth sense.

ESP - Extrasensory perception is the term used to describe a means of getting information from other than the five senses that everyone uses as their primary means. The five senses are seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting, and hearing. These are consid0ered to be our 'normal' senses and any sense or gathering of information, is said to be 'extra', or out of the ordinary. 

When a person develops their ESP, they have increased their mind power by a quantum leap above other people. It enables them to send and receive information almost at will to influence things that are important to them. 

Every person; the fact that some have developed this ability to a very high degree has created the impression that only certain people have ESP. yet we all all fit into the category of the sensitive. Every day in all circumstance we constantly respond to it. This is the most important of all senses for it is the response to life. 

How does It work?

Basically, man is spirit, soul, or electro-magnetic energy. His soul gives energy to the body. Because man is soul or electro-magnetic energy, he creates by thought or energy. Every thought we think is like a radio wave being transmitted, available for anyone in the universe to pickup.

Just as we transmit, or send out these thought waves, so were receive thought transmissions of other souls. We receive them like a radio and respond to them unconsciously as though they were our own thoughts. 

There are men and women rising to great heights of creative leadership because they have "turned in" to the higher thought perception or creative intelligence of the universe.

Mastery of life must find its greatest challenge in learning the fine art of discernment of what thoughts are initiated from oneself and what thoughts have been picked up from sources outside oneself.

Interesting Information is Shark has Extrasensory Perception

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption

Earthquake is a familiar word for everyone especially for the people in Indonesia and Philippine. They are the majority people who face earthquake and not often, but all the time. I assume these people have not learnt about how to react during disaster and what all the ways they can do to reduce damage. May be its just because they are living in LEDC’s so their government couldn’t afford to help them or in other word can’t protect them efficiently. 

Do you know about the recent volcanic eruption in Philippine on 21st November? You may get confuse why am I asking about volcanic eruption when I am informing you about Earthquake. Do not worry, I won’t confuse you. There is a relationship between Volcanic Eruption and earthquake. Many people think that earthquake is just shaking of ground and buildings collapse. Do you know what cause the earthquakes?

The Major cause for the Earthquake is movement of the tectonic plates and volcanic eruption.

Tectonic plates which is the movement of plates slowly under the earth crust layer. When there is new plate formed and it got no place to move from its original position and it cannot merge with the plate which is already exists. It breaks into and there it forms earthquake. Also when two plates meets opposite and when it cannot drift to move to other side without joining, it crash into each other and form earthquakes.

Volcanic eruption affects the inner plates and that causes the earthquake. Volcanic eruption is the release of molten magma, which is formed by high temperature under the earth crust and is waiting for the opening to release it pressure. As it releases its volcano, it also disturbs the tectonic plates, which result it into earthquake.

 Let us learn some news about volcanic eruption.

The top 10 most devastating volcanic eruptions based on recorded death toll.

1. Mt. Tambora, Indonesia, 1816 – Death Toll: 92000 – This cataclysmic event that happened on April 10-15, 1816 killed about 92,000 individuals which included 10,000 whose cause of death is due to the ash fall and explosion, and about 82,000 from other causes attributable to the volcanic eruption.

2. Mt. Pelee, West Indies, 1902 – Death Toll: 40000 – Previously believed to be a dormant volcano, Mt. Pelee started its devastating activity in the early 1902 and leveled the entire city of St. Pierre.

3. Mt. Krakatoa, Indonesia, 1883 – Death Toll: 36000 – The devastation wrought by the volcanic explosion left 75% of the island in total ruin. The sound blast was the loudest that was ever recorded and was even heard as far as Australia.

4. Nevado del Ruiz, Columbia, 1985 – Death Toll: 23000 – The death from these volcanic eruptions was mainly due to the massive mudslides brought about by the melting of the ice cap of Nevado del Rio burying the City of Armero.

5. Mt. Unzen, Japan, 1792 – Death Toll: 15000 – This volcanic eruption occurred along the very active Pacific Rim of Fire. This cataclysmic event led to avalanches and tsunami.

6. Mt. Vesuvius, Italy, AD 79 – Death Toll: 10000 plus – It is one of oldest recorded volcanic eruptions which leveled the Roman towns of Herculaneum and Pompeii. It lasted for 19 hours and dumped and left Pompeii buried in 10 feet of ash.

7. Laki Volcanic System, Iceland, 1784 – Death Toll: 9350 – It persisted with almost a year of explosion leaving a dusty haze which led to serious food shortages. Death toll was mainly attributed to widespread starvation.

8. Mt. Vesuvius, Italy, 1631 – Death Toll: 6000 – This active volcano has had almost a dozen explosions following the major eruption in AD 79. The 1631 eruption swamped the surrounding towns with hot lava which was accompanied by the ejection of boiling water.

9. Mt. Kelut, Indonesia, 1919 – Death Toll: 5110 – This major volcanic activity of Mt. Kelut resulted to the death of many people due to the mudslides that happened during the eruption.

10. Mt. Galunggung, Indonesia, 1882 – Death: 4011 – This devastating volcanic eruption left a path of widespread destruction and death to an estimated 4011 individuals.